Awesome profile Pictures For Boys Collection Click here to see


Privacy on Facebook is a big issue Facebook users are concerned about, Facebook even provided the profile display picture locking facility in the past to


This whatsapp trick is tweaky, you can use whatsapp without number that means not with your own number.


Step 1 : Open set Tool in Backtrack 5 : To open it follow the step shown above.......


Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are always in top headlines worldwide, as they are plaguing websites in banks, and virtually of almost every organization having a prominent online presence.

9 Feb 2015

Back Up And Restore Whatsapp Chat

WhatsApp makes automatic backups of your chats, but you can also make a manual backup. On iOS, it’s Settings > Chat Settings > Chat Backup, then tap Back Up Now.
On Android, just go into Settings > Chat settings and tap Backup conversations to create a backup. This won’t backup your media, so you’ll need to use a file manager to copy the media folders in /sdcard/WhatsApp/Media.
Back Up And Restore Whatsapp Chat

There’s no way to restore chats directly from WhatsApp, so if you want to restore a backup you’re going to have to uninstall and re-install WhatsApp. When you start WhatsApp after the re-install, you should be prompted to restore your most recent backup. Just follow the procedure and your chats should all be back.

4 Feb 2015


How To Update Kali Linux repositories

  Kali Linux’s Penetration testing system requires constant updating to keep the tools in functional order. This short tutorial will show you the command to update the tools and system.

Step One:

Start Kali Linux and open a terminal.

Step 1

Step Two:

Type apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (without quotes) in the terminal and hit Enter.

Step 2

     Kali will now check it’s webservers for updates. If there are any, it will ask you if you want to install them, hit Enter for yes. 

Sidejaking With Firesheep

Sidejaking With Firesheep

Sidejacking attack went common in late 2010, however it's still popular now a days, Firesheep is widely used to carry out sidejacking attacks, Firesheep only works when the attacker and victim is on the same WiFi network. A sidejacking attack is basically another name for HTTP session hijacking, but it's more targeted towards WiFi users.

How To Install Adobe Flash Player In Kali Linux

Kali Linux comes with Iceweasel (Firefox) as an installed browser. For some reason, the producers of Kali Linux missed one thing, the vital Adobe Flash Player plugin. In this  simple tutorial we will show you how to install Adobe Flash Player in Kali Linux’s Iceweasel.

Step One:

Start Kali, login to root, open Iceweasel, and go tohttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.


Step Two:

When Adobe.com opens, it should already have detected what version you need (Mine is Linux 64-bit Firefox). So all you need to do is click on the drop down menu that says Select version to download and select .tar.gz for other Linux from the list.


Now hit the download button

*Note, Adobe is constantly changing their website, I’ll do my best to keep up with these changes, but your experience may still be a little different than my pictures.
Thank you for understanding!

Step Three:

The download window will now open, and Iceweasel will ask you want you want it to do with the file, select Save file and hit OK.
If Firefox asks you where to save the file too, select the root folder and hit OK.


When it has finished downloading, close Iceweasel.

Step Four:

Open a Terminal, type ls and hit Enter. Kali will then display all the folders/files in your root folder, the adobe flash player .tar.gz folder should be among them.


Step Five:

Now that we know the name of the Adobe Flash Player folder, we need to unzip it. Start by copying the name of the Adobe Flash Player folder.


Now type tar –xf and paste the name of the Adobe Flash Player folder. See example below: 

Example: tar –xf install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz

The name of your Adobe Flash Player folder might be different then mine, so don’t try to copy mine!

The complete command should look similar to this photo:


Hit Enter 

Step Six:

Kali should take a couple of seconds to unzip the folder. After it’s complete type this command: mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and hit Enter.


Kali linux will do the rest, Adobe Flash Player has now been installed! To test your Flash installation, go to this URL in Iceweasel:http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/, if you see the little flash animation, then you are good to go! You can also delete all the Flash Player folders/files in your root folder, they’re not important.

Hacking home/school network using Ettercap (MAN IN THE MIDDLE ATTACK)

In this post we will guide you how you can hack a Network and performing MITM attack in Kali Linux.

It’s one of the simplest but also most essential steps to “Conquering” a network. Once a hacker has performed a “Man In The Middle” attack (MITM) on a local network, he is able to perform a number of other “Side-kick” attacks. This includes, cutting a victim’s internet connection; intercepting Emails, logins, and chat messages, Facebook; and many others.

Step One:

Start Kali Linux and login to the root user.

Step Two:

Open a Terminal and type: leafpad /etc/ettercap/etter.conf
Step 1
Step Three:

Look through the text file that just opened. On one of the first lines, under the [privs] section, look for the words highlighted below:

Step 2
You need to change these lines to this:
Step 2.1
By removing the number 65534 and replacing it with 0 (zero). You can leave the “# nobody is default” line.

Step Four:
This next one will be tricky to locate, so we’re going to use the “Find” option. Click onSearch in the toolbar at the top of leafpad and click Find.
Type the word iptables in the box that appears and click the Find button or press Enter.
Step 3
It should skip to a line that looks like this:
Step 3.1
We need to “uncomment” the two bottom lines. To do this, remove the two “#” symbols before each “redir_command,” so that the two lines look like this:
Step 3.2
Now close leafpad and click Yes when it asks you to save changes.

Step Five:
Now start Ettercap-gtk, open a Terminal and type ettercap –G
Step 5
Wait until Ettercap opens. When it does, click Sniff in the toolbar and select Unified Sniffing… from the menu.
Step 5.1
Step Six:
Select the interface that’s connected to the network.
Step 6
If your using a wired (ethernet) connection, then the interface will probably be eth0, but if you’re using wireless, (WLAN), then it will be a different one. To find which one of your interfaces is connected, run ifconfig.
Step Seven:
Now Ettercap should load into attack mode. Click on Hosts and select Scan for hosts from the menu.
Step 7
Step Eight:
Ettercap will briefly scan for hosts on the network. After a moment, you should see the words “hosts added to the host list…” in the command box. This is the green light.
Click on Hosts again, and this time select Hosts list from the menu.
Step 8
Step Nine:
Click the IP address of the router and click the Add to Target 1 button.
Step 9
Then select the IP of your test victim’s machine and click Add to Target 2.
Step 9.1
Step 10:
Now click Mitm on the toolbar and select Arp poisoning
Step 10
When the question box shows up, check the box next to Sniff remote connections and hit OK.
Step 10.1
Step 11:
Ettercap will now Arp poison the victim and router. Now if you want to see any of the victim’s personal info, you’ll need to click Start on the toolbar and select Start sniffing.
Step 11
Ettercap will notify you that unified sniffing was started.
You’ve successfully executed an MITM attack!
You can now use tools such as URLsnarf and SSLstrip to sniff out information about your victim’s internet traffic. Tutorials on how to use these tools will be coming soon.
To stop the MITM attack, click on MITM and select Stop mitm attack(s) from the menu.
Step stop
Ettercap will then send the ARP correction packet, and the network will return to normal. You can then close Ettercap.