Kali Linux is a security-focused operating system you can run off a CD or USB drive, anywhere. With its security toolkit you can crack Wi-Fi passwords, create fake networks, and test other vulnerabilities.
A lot of readers send many request regarding how to crack wireless WPA2 password.
Kali Linux is packed with a ton of software for testing security holes in your network. There are far too many to list here, but we're so enamored with it that we decided to pick a few of our favorite tools and show how they work: Aircrack, Airbase, and ARPspoof. We'll show you how to crack a Wi-Fi password with brute force techniques, create a fake router to trick machines into logging into it, and perform a man in the middle attack to eavesdrop on network communications.
Crack a WPA Wi-Fi Password with Aircrack
Disconnect from all wireless networks. Then open up terminal. In order to use Aircrack, you'll need a wireless card that supports injections. Type this (airmon-ng) into the Terminal to make sure your card supports it
airmon-ng start wlan0
Replace wlan0
with your card's interface address. You should get a message back saying that monitor mode was enabled.
next type airodump-ng mon0
You'll see all the networks in your area. Locate your network from the list, and copy the BSSID, while making a note of the channel it's on. Tap Ctrl+C to stop the process.
Next, type this in, replacing the information in parentheses with the information you gathered above
airodump-ng -c (channel) --bssid (bssid) -w /root/Desktop/ (monitor interface)
Now, you'll be monitoring your network. You should see four files pop up on the desktop. Don't worry about those now; you'll need one of them later. The next step is a bit of a waiting game, as you'll be sitting around waiting for a device to connect to a network. In this case, just open up a device you own and connect to your Wi-Fi. You should see it pop up as a new station. Make a note of the station number, because you'll need that in the next step
Now, you're going to force a reconnect so you can capture the handshake between the computer and the router. Leave Airodump running and open up a new tab in Terminal. Then type in
aireplay-ng -0 2 -a (router bssid) -c (client station number) mon0
You'll now see Aireplay send packets to your computer to force a reconnect. Hop back over to the Airodump tab and you'll see a new number listed after WPA Handshake. If that's there, you've successfully grabbed the handshake and you can start cracking the password.
You now have the router's password in encrypted form, but you still need to actually figure out what it is. To do this, you'll use a password list to try and brute force your way into the network. You can find these lists online, but Kali Linux includes a few small lists to get you started in the /usr/share/wordlists directory, so we'll just use one of those. To start cracking the password type this in
aircrack-ng -a2 -b (router bssid) -w (path to wordlist) /Root/Desktop/*.cap
Now, Aircrack will try all of those passwords to see if one fits. If it does, you'll get a message saying the key was found with the password. If not, give another one of the password lists a try until you find one that works. The bigger the password list, the longer this process will take, but the greater chance you have of succeeding
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